Cooperation with the Gallery is possible after sending a portfolio of works to the email address:, which will be forwarded to the Gallery’s Programme Council.

Gallery Programme Board
The Gallery Board, was established for the period of 2023-2028 and acts as an consultative and advisory body. Its tasks include giving opinions on the programmes and plans of the Gallery’s activity, assessing their implementation, supporting the Director in seeking new forms of organisational, conceptual and financial support, as well as expressing opinions and making proposals on key issues relating to the functioning of the Gallery.
Composition of the Board
Agnieszka Bebłowska Bednarkiewicz
Art historian, curator of the Kordegarda. Gallery of the National Centre for Culture.
Curator and exhibition coordinator, including: “Family album. Photos that the Jews took with them (2018), “Patrimony. Zenona Olejniczak” (2018), “Memory. Exhibition on the 75th anniversary of liberation of the German concentration and extermination camp Auschwitz-Birkenau (2020), “Tchórzewski. A Different Look” (2020), “Presence. Magdalena Gross/ Gela Seksztajn” (2021), ” Osieki Collection ” (2021), “Henryk Morel. Signs” (2022), “Conflagration” (2022), “Patriot/ Jan Szczepkowski”, “Patriot/ Artur Szyk” (2023), “Liberated Woman. Polish art deco in ceramics” (2024), “Office of Visual Arts” (2024).
Author of texts in the field of art history, among others about Jerzy Nowosielski, Jerzy Tchórzewski, Lucas Cranach, Zenona Olejniczak published in catalogues and quarterly journals. Author of short stories and books for children and adults written under a pseudonym. Juror in architectural competitions of the “Shaping the Space” Competition of the Chamber of Architects of the Republic of Poland. Recipient of scholarships of the Minister of Culture and National Heritage.
Katarzyna Haber
art historian, ICOMOS IFLA University of York scholarship holder, lecturer at WSEiZ, curator of Galeria Kordegarda NCK, curator of Galeria Apteka Sztuki, organizer of the Warsaw Gallery Festival “WarsawByArt”, curator and coordinator of approx. 190 exhibitions (including of J. Czapski in curatorial cooperation with E. Skoczek, C. Norwid, B. Schulz and L. Cranach, J. Hałas, A. Strumiłło, etc.), author of articles on art (i.a. PAU PAN, catalogues, NCK catalogues, including “Sztukmistrz” awarded with the 2022 Feniks Prize), screenwriter, cartoonist.
Tomasz Rudomino
Journalist, art critic, traveler. A graduate of Art History studies at the University of Warsaw and at the Sorbonne in Paris.
He worked as a journalist for the weekly “Kultura”. He published articles in “Polityka”, “Sztuka”, “Literatura”, “Projekt”, “Życie Warszawy”, “Voyage”, “Podróże”. In the past, he was the editor-in-chief of the monthly “Sztuka Polska”, as well as the weekly “Kobieta i Życie”. Recipient of the Stanisław Wyspiański Award of the 1st degree in the field of artistic criticism.
Recipient of scholarships of the French Government. He wrote, among others, “The small lexicon of the most modern art”, “Exploring Gauguin”. He was particularly interested in the work of artists of the 1980s generation. He organized exhibitions and artistic events.
He gave lectures in the history of art at the Extramural Study of Theatre Direction (Zaoczne Studium Reżyserii Teatralnej). He traveled to many countries on all continents. He has filmed over 150 documentaries and television programs covering topics in the field of Polish and international culture and history. He won numerous awards for a film about the tradition of rewrapping the dead in Madagascar.
He made film etudes about many Polish and foreign artists. On a daily basis, he edits the web portal, dedicated to global trends and events in contemporary art or photography.
He is interested in migration art, especially art of Polish emigrés, but also in every other cultural and ethnic area. He is passionate about Japanese woodcut art, French new realism and lyrical abstraction. He lives in Paris.
PhD Piotr Oszczanowski
art historian, doctor of humanities, specialist in ancient art, and especially modern art. Since 2014, he has been the director of the National Museum in Wrocław.
Since his studies his scientific activities in the field of art history have been carried out at the University of Wrocław. In 1991, he defended his master’s dissertation entitled “Mannerist sculpture from the turn of the 16th and 17th centuries in the church of the Holy Trinity in Żórawina”, in 2001 doctoral dissertation entitled “Gerhard Hendrik from Amsterdam (1559–1615). The life and work of a Wrocław-based sculptor”. He began his professional activity at the Institute of Art History of the University of Wrocław in 1991 as an assistant. Then, from 2002 he worked as an assistant professor at the Department of Modern Art, a year later he became an assistant professor at the Department of History of Renaissance and Reformation Art (where he remains until today). In 2002-2005 he served as the deputy director of the Institute of Art History of the University of Wrocław. Since 2014, he has been the director of the National Museum in Wrocław. Since 2015, he has been a member of the Council for Museums at the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage.
He received scholarships from, among others, the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main, the Lanckoroński of Brzezie Foundation (1998), University of Hamburg (1998–2000); the scholarship of Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and the President of Germany Dr. Roman Herzog. In 2004 and 2005, he completed an internship at the Charles University in Prague.
In 2023, he was honored with the Juliusz Ligoń Silesian Award “for his care for the cultural heritage of Lower Silesia, including his contribution to the restoration of the Altar of Andreas Jerin”.